Online Workshop: Zea Mays Printmaking | Virtual World Tour Stop 8
I guess some of my artist friends already know about this amazing online program: Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence, MA, is organizing a Printmaking Virtual World Tour.
The first stop will be the Artist Proof Studio, Johannesburg, South Africa.
You can book the tickets (Individual workshop or the whole bundle including 9 workshops) at the following site. <>
My turn will be the stop 8: september 4 fukui local time: sunday, september 5th, 8 usa eastern time: saturday, september 4, 7 pm <>
You are very welcome to this exiting tour!
ノントキシック版画研究を世界的にリードするアメリカ・マサチューセッツ州のZea Mays版画工房が企画する「Printmaking Virtual World Tour(版画の世界旅行)」のご案内です。
この夏、世界9カ所の版画工房をつなぐユニークなオンライン・ワークショップが行われます。私は8回目(日本現地日時9/5日曜日・午前8時 )に登場予定です。 全て英語でのプログラムとなりますが、世界の版画アトリエを訪ねるまたとないチャンスです。
詳細とチケット情報は、下記リンクでご確認いただけます。 <>
stop 8: september 4 – university of fukui, fukui, japan vegetable oil-based etching ground with shichio minato fukui local time: sunday, september 5th, 8 am usa eastern time: saturday, september 4, 7 pm

Liz first met Shichio Minato on the BART train going from Oakland to San Francisco during the Southern Graphics International Conference in 2014
. Little did she know that this chance meeting would result in a series of wonderful collaborations. Shichio is Professor of Art at Fukui University, Fukui, Japan. He organized the 2019 Symposium The Green Dream? along with Marnix Everaert – the first symposium on safer printmaking in Japan. This lively combination of lectures, demonstrations and exhibitions brought artists from Japan, China, Indonesia, Europe, Australia, Canada and the US together to share technical know-how and philosophies around the future of Green Printmaking. Shichio invited Zea May’s Liz Chalfin to present at the symposiu
m and the bond was formed. Now Shichio is focusing his attention on developing safer solvents and grounds for the Japanese market and beyond.
The University of Fukui in Japan, under Shichio’s leadership, has been working on research and development of solvents/cleaners and grounds using rice or soybean-derived materials. Using these techniques, the Printmaking Studio at the university is creating prints that are not only environmentally friendly, but beautiful and elegant.
Professor Shichio Minato will give a tour of both the studio at the university and his own compact studio at home. He will then demonstrate how to use the safer liquid hard-ground techniques developed at the studio, as well as diving deep into the process that went into researching these exciting new methods.